

Associated with the Sun, the Ruby is believed to enhance confidence, vitality, and leadership qualities. It is said to promote self-expression and protect against negative energies.


Representing the Moon, the Pearl is thought to bring emotional balance, calmness, and purity. It may also help improve relationships and enhance intuition.


Associated with the Sun, the Ruby is believed to enhance confidence, vitality, and leadership qualities. It is said to promote self-expression and protect against negative energies.

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)

Connected to Jupiter, the Yellow Sapphire is believed to bring wisdom, good fortune, and spiritual growth. It is considered beneficial for academic and financial success.

Diamond (Heera)

Associated with Venus, the Diamond is believed to symbolize love, beauty, and harmony. It is thought to enhance relationships and attract positive energies.

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Linked to Saturn, the Blue Sapphire is considered to bring discipline, focus, and stability. It is believed to protect against negative thoughts and promote spiritual growth.

Hessonite (Gomed)

Associated with Rahu, the Hessonite is believed to enhance intuition, remove obstacles, and promote clarity of thought.

Cat's Eye (Lehsunia)

Linked to Ketu, the Cat's Eye is thought to bring good luck, protection from evil forces, and spiritual awareness.